
This DecarboNet opinion mining service aims to annotate German language documents with sentiment related to climate change. The web service takes as input a document or set of documents, and outputs those documents as JSON documents of standoff annotations with opinion, term and URI information (see the API documentation for more details). Sentiment is classified into positive, negative and neutral polarity, as well as more fine-grained emotions such as fear, anger, joy etc. The target of the opinion is also recognised if present. Climate-related terms are also matched and linked to the instance of that term in relevant Linked Open Data ontologies.

Note that the current version of the tool is tuned towards precision. This means that it may not find all instances of sentiment.


This is a simple demo of the main web service API, with the JSON output translated into HTML to aid navigation and display. Please type or paste some German text into the box below, in order to see the opinions and terms found. An English version of this demo is also available.

Text to Process:
Processed Result: